1) When seeing the following errors, it can be either you are not registered or logged on or your role has not being upgraded to Resident.
Please email admin@horizonresidence.com.my for support.


2)Explaining your roles in this website.


An administrator has full and complete ownership of a website, and can do absolutely everything. This person has complete power over posts/pages, comments, settings, themes, plugins, import, users – everything. Nothing is off-limits, including deleting everything.


An editor can view, edit, publish, and delete any posts/pages(public & private), moderate comments, manage categories, manage tags, manage links and upload files/images.
Can add, modify & delete users.
Can promote user roles.
Can approve/reject bookings.


An author can edit, publish and delete their posts(public & private), as well as upload files/images.


A resident can edit their posts but cannot publish them. When a resident creates a post, it will need to be submitted to an administrator for review. Once a resident’s post is approved by an administrator and published, however, it may no longer be edited by the resident. All public & private pages can be accessed.
Can access Resident Section for bookings and application.


In default, all account created successfully will have subscriber role. Subscribers only have the ability to read public pages. Private pages like Resident Section cannot be accessed. To upgrade to Resident role, verification is required. Proof as owner or tenant is required to be sent to admin@horizonresidence.com.my